Tree Lighting

12/07/2024 02:00 PM - 07:00 PM ET


Meet at 14 Morningside Ave


It is almost time for our most well attended event of the year and we need YOUR help!

Last year we saw a record attandance between 300 and 400 people for the lighting of the tallest living tree in any NYC park. We anticipate a bigger crowd this year. 

Volunteers will meet at the staging location, 14 Morningside Ave, to begin bringing supplies across the street and begin setup.

On site activities may include: putting out and lighting (e-candles) luminaries, picking up donated goods like coffee/cocoa/cider/cookies, setting up music and speaking equiptment, working information tables, collecting donations, serving the seasonal treats, directing people, etc. And then breakdown to return remaining supplies to 14. The tree is lit promptly at 6pm and the crowd disipates quickly making breakdows relatively easy.

Free volunteer tshirts will be provided to all volunteers. 

Volunteers MUST BE OVER 18YRS OLD in order to volunteer to work any event.